
Prayatan an NGO Nonprofit Charitable Organization and a Self Help Group of families of mentally ill patients and people who wish to help such cause, was formed as a society in 2001 and registered with U.T. Chandigarh vide 3163 of 2004, under Societies Act. Prayatan’s aim is to extend help to other families in case of mental crisis as well as to create awareness about the scientific basis of mental illness so that the patients seek treatment from mental professionals at an early date. Prayatan has also been working for homeless mentally ill as well as for families who have limited social support. The long term goal of Prayatan is to create Psycho- Social Rehabilitation facilities for the persons with various types of Psychiatric Disorders. Prayatan has been providing Day Care Programmes, distributing free medicines to the poor psychiatric patients, vocational training etc. We have rehabilitated many such patients and made them capable of earnings their livelihood for their self dependence since inception.

Aims and Objectives of the society.
i) To work for the welfare of mentally ill.
ii) To provide basic facilities for the
upliftment of mentally ill persons.
iii) To organize sports and cultural functions
for these patients.
iv) To work for communal harmony and
National integration.
v) To provide financial aid to the poor
families of mentally ill person.
vi) To safeguard the human rights of the
mentally ill Person.
vii) To work for establishing a permanent Home in Chandigarh UT, Punjab and Haryana for mentally sick men and women.


PRAYATAN is running two Kiosks, one at PGI and other at Local Bus Stand,Sector 17,
Chandigarh, where these patients are working under proper supervision. The major part of the
income from the Kiosks is paid as salary to the patients with the sole motive to encourage them
and unlock their talent and as incentive to keep them engaged.
Efforts are made to restore self confidence and self respect also. Till date Prayatan has
rehabilitated 18 mentally sick patients from these two Kiosks/ Booths (10 Men and 8 Women)
now all are self dependent and working at various outlets / Private offices etc.
In collaboration with another N G O and Govt. Hospital, Prayatan assisted in providing home
based treatment to the patients who do not come to the hospital and created a temporary
residencial facilities for a few destitude patients, who did not have any place to live.

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